What’s it Like Being a Parent? 7 Short Reflections After 4 Months.

After almost 50 hours of latent labour (beginning at my brother's wedding and ending in an emergency C-section) my wife brought forth our little Leo, changing my world forever. It's been less than a handful of months, but being a Father really has changed everything. Here are but a few reflections. Cliché Parent Love is … Continue reading What’s it Like Being a Parent? 7 Short Reflections After 4 Months.

Fresh Reflections on the Christmas Story from an Expecting Parent

How often did Mary vomit when pregnant with Jesus? It's not something that gets featured in the Hollywood Christmas films or fancy Christmas cards, but it probably happened. Sometimes the most effective way to rob a story of its truth and startling power is to become overly familiar with it. But life has a funny … Continue reading Fresh Reflections on the Christmas Story from an Expecting Parent